Hinge  likes to accuse anyone with a differing opinion of  "spamming"
Etymology: from a skit on the British  television series Monty Python's 
Flying Circus in which chanting of the word  Spam (trademark for a canned meat 
product) overrides the other dialogue
:  unsolicited usually commercial e-mail sent to a large number of  addresses
 If would be difficult to consider any post to a members only, moderator  
approved bulletin board. Especially when it is addressed to  one email address. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com) , as  spam.
What is  really egregious is that some people post to a group of over 400 
members,  personal opinions and false accusations.
If Hinge and  his followers had a comment to me he should email it to me.  
The same  should apply to the rest of those in contention with me.
When they  bring it to a board, I have every right to defend it and to  
You want me  to stop defending than stop attacking.
This is a  forum.  If you stuck to providing evidence to your position on an 
issue,  instead of attacking the opponent of that issue, you would then be 
fair and  balanced.  Something I find difficult to believe you have the 
to  do.
Post your  points, back it up with evidence.  Let others do the same and have 
the  decency to allow the others in the group to draw their own conclusions.  
 Intimidation, false accusations, lies, bullying styles and name calling is 
just  a sign of insecurity in your argument.
This whole excessive event boils down  to two simple issues:
The Jersey Shore Rescue  Mission:
You and your followers want them to leave Asbury  Park.
I think they have a right to stay and provide shelter to  anyone who asks 
President & The War On  Terror
You and your followers want to degrade the President of  the US during the 
War on terror.
I advise against it, for the protection of our troops and  homeland.
Our positions on these two issues are well documented, and I  think it is 
time to let other people have their say.

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