They are giving people what they want and perhaps that was the only news worthy 
story. They do have "slow news days".

Trader Dube <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:          Mike wrote..."Cable channels 
don't have the same regulatory restrictions 
and can say pretty much what they choose. If you don't like what you 
hear on one channel change the damned thing."

At one point this morning, every channel, cable and broadcast, had the 
murdering slime bucket OJ on. EVERY CHANNEL. I did what only us free 
Americans can do, I turned off the TV. This media blitzkrieg that occurs 
whenever anything occurs has no moral compass. I would rather watch 
paint dry than have to give even one second of my time to scumbags like OJ.

Why does everybody bash Sally Fields? She's aged well, she's perky, and 
oh so harmless....


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