Shows what a mess the school administration is in.  I find little comfort that 
a school board member announces that the board is a mess.  Why?  If you are on 
the board, do something.  Also as I recall when I pointed out that one school 
is closed and the board is going to spend crazy money on office space, I asked 
if this space was larger from what is currently being used.  NO ANSWER!

People are just too easy on the Board of Ed.  No results. The children and city 
suffers.  If we had an "ok" school system we would see a big change in this 

----- Original Message ----
From: oakdorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 8:47:22 AM
Subject: [AsburyPark] AP schools get fiscal monitor, today's APP

"...But officials said the move to have direct control for some period
of time over the district's finances is not connected to QSAC.
Katherine Attwood, the state assistant commissioner for finance, cited
repeated or serious problems found in the district's audits."

"repeated or serious problems."

Like what?
Like how much?
And where did it go?

Did a few people get to go shopping or to AC??

About time the state BOE and come out and say where it all went to and
stop covering it all up.

It's called accountability and that's why the state felt it had to
send in a monitor, without the local BOE approval. Take it and
hopefully it will hope the current BOE get a handle on a problem that
always existed. Finally, someone else get's the key to the vault. And
hopeully this monitor will not be sucked into rubber stamping
everything that comes along.

Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.

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