The Fate of the Unknowns
At Aging Arlington Memorial, Debating Repair vs. Replacement   ...the
moment was almost perfect: Few seemed focused on the jagged crack that
zigzagged through the 48-ton stone like a scar, or the dings and chips
in its surface.   But away from the scene in Arlington National Cemetery
last week, debate raged over the fate of the nation's legendary icon to
its unknown war dead. The cemetery has long wanted the tomb's weathered
aboveground monument replaced. Preservationists want it repaired and
retained   The debate goes back years and pits two potent sensibilities:
interest in historic preservation and the desire for perfection at the
most famous memorial in the nation's most famous cemetery.   Argument
has gone back and forth, mostly out of the public eye, although it is
picking up and is "very much alive," said Richard Moe, president of the
Washington-based National Trust for Historic Preservation
oric+Preservation?tid=informline> . "As a matter of fact, it is
currently quite hot."   From:   Click here: The Fate of the Unknowns

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