Kevin - you seem to forget that you go out of your way to tout your
religous "credentials" at every opportunity, often quotings scripture
and using your religious beliefs to defend your positions.  You put
yourself in a position to have those credentials questioned by using
them as a weapon in your arguments.  Mario does not ever position his
sexual preference as the basis for any of his arguments.  Apples and
oranges Kevin.

What I find most offensive is that you didn't ask him that question as
the basis for understanding his perspective.  You asked him as though
you were trying to expose him on something - as though being gay should
be some deep dark secret.  Shame on you reverend.  You talked earlier
about "taking your collar off."  So what kind of example are you setting
if you are in fact a man of God as you profess.  Is that what you preach
- be kind to others but in the face of adversity lash out and insult
them?  Kevin, either you wear the collar or you don't.  You can't just
take it off and pretend that your values don't exist just because
someone says something you don't like.  What kind of demonstration of
commitment to values is that?

> My question to Mario was not derrogatory, or make a statement that
> was curt. I asked a simple question. I asked Mario, if he was a
> homosexual.
> It's a simple question. Especially in the light that sexual
> preference, and gay and lesbian issues are blasted all over the air
> waves and print media, from Ocean Grove to Sacremento, CA. He could
> have simple answered the question or refused to reveal his sexual
> preference. If I have to read about the subject daily, then I should
> be able to ask the question. He seems to probe me on a personal
> level. He has asked me numerous questions on education, credentials,
> etc. Let's be equal here.

Kevin - you seem to forget that you go out of your way to tout your
religous "credentials" at every opportunity, often quotings scripture
and using your religious beliefs to defend your positions.  You put
yourself in a position to have those credentials questioned by using
them as a weapon in your arguments.  Mario does not ever position his
sexual preference as the basis for any of his arguments.  Apples and
oranges Kevin.

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