In a message dated 10/17/2007 11:53:01 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

In  this case, we have a homeless population that needs our help. We
owe it to  them and to ourselves to help them. No, we aren't doing
enough. Jersey  Shore Rescue Mission isn't the answer - but when the
answer comes along -  we damn sure have an obligation to support it.
Because it's the right thing  to do for Asbury Park - property values
be damned.

These concerns were addressed by all members of the zoning board Tuesday  
night.  They have struggled with these matters for 2 1/2 years, and their  
thoughtfulness in considering these issues was quite evident.  I didn't  expect 
be spellbound as I listened to how they arrived at their  decisions. 
 Anyone know how the verbatim transcripts can be obtained?

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