Having worked in the South Bronx for many years, I noticed much litter and 
graffiti throughout Boro especially in the poorest neighborhoods.??Once a slew 
of affordable and subsidized housing was built in vacant and burned out lots 
and made available to the residents,?the majority of residents?were now able 
to?purchase their homes from the government at a nominal rate, and the litter 
and graffiti practically dried up.? These new owners now took pride in their 
new homes and worked very hard in keeping the neighborhood clean.? My 
observation was, give people a stake in the neighborhood and they will keep it 

-----Original Message-----
From: oakdorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 1:10 pm
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Its the Small Stuff ....Library Square, West Side, 
All Around Town...

> Not Giuliani. "He is much more wonkish and intellectual than people
> give him credit for," Siegel says. "Because of the tough-guy exterior,
> they don't notice." 
> ..."

I worked in the city when G was mayor then went out. It was a 
noticeable difference in the appearance of the city/streets - at least 
to an outsider like me.

Don't know the costs, but given how much APPEARED to be cleaned up 
while G was mayor and the cities apparent economic recovery, it was 

i'm sure Dan can cover it. (If Giuliani was a success)

You'd think this approach would work in AP and maybe it is

This is where you need a public figure like a mayor or City Manager or 
PR person to step up and brag about the "New" Asbury Park and how it 
HAS evolved and will evolve and teh steps to ensure that it does. 

Not just the boardwalk bragging.

I can think of another project that will be over 1 year past due that 
won't be bring any revenue in 2008 as planned.


Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! - 

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