I've never been to the Salt Water Cafe, so I can't speak too much about 
it.  However from the first day it opened it was obvious it was a completely 
different type of place.   It wasn't a bad place in my mind, it still isn't.  I 
just don't think it's what most people invisioned being in that location...  
I'm sure once the rest of the high end condos and townhouses are built up it 
will fit right in... ha.  You have to figure, it does make sence, an upscale 
looking place like SWC has to cater to the needs of these new owners to some 
      I don't like the direction the boardwalk is going in right now.  I like 
all the new stores and food places that opened in the SWC building but they 
don't give the right look for what the AP boardwalk was.  or "sopose to be."  
Something as simple as the awings over each new store gives off an upscale 
look.  Something you would not find on a Jersey Shore boardwalk.  Maybe it's 
just my artistic eye that picks up on these things.  I don't know.  The awnings 
look nice, nothings wrong with them.  But when you start seeing them 
everywhere, it starts to give off an entirly different "look"  A look that 
doesn't even look like your on the boaredwalk.

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