In a message dated 11/2/2007 2:21:28 P.M., [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In <> ,
Traderdube <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Is anybody else sick to death of the
complete and utter bullshit being  heaped upon America this election

Vote for John Edwards!

Following is On Topic for Asbury Park too:  politics, corruption, civil
discourse, family quarrels, culture, religion, race....

"Is Iraq Vietnam? Who really won in 2000? Which side are you on in the
culture wars? These questions have divided the Baby Boomers and
distorted our politics. One candidate could transcend them."    -  by
Andrew Sullivan,  December 2007 Atlantic Monthly
Goodbye to All That
<>   /

"An Inconvenient Truce" [T]he most persuasive case for Obama has less to
do with him than with the moment he is meeting. The moment has been a
long time coming, and it is...a cultural climate that stultifies our
politics and corrupts our discourse.
Obama's candidacy in this sense is a potentially transformational
one. Unlike any of the other candidates, he could take
America—finally—past the debilitating, self-perpetuating family
quarrel of the Baby Boom generation that has long engulfed all of us. So
much has happened in America in the past seven years, let alone the past
40, that we can be forgiven for focusing on the present and the
immediate future. But it is only when you take several large steps back
into the long past that the full logic of an Obama presidency stares
directly—and uncomfortably—at you.

At its best, the Obama candidacy is about ending a war...the war within
America that has prevailed since Vietnam and that shows dangerous signs
of intensifying, a nonviolent civil war that has crippled America at the
very time the world needs it most. It is a war about war—and about
culture and about religion and about race. And in that war,
Obama—and Obama alone—offers the possibility of a truce.

matte.html>   (Great cover!)


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