In a message dated 11/4/2007 10:02:28 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

In light of the fact that I know so little about NJ  Legislators, etc.,
these two websites, may clear up what knowledge, or the  lack of the
same! I have no idea how Sean Kean or Palaia voted on anything,  but
I've never voted for either of them, so any blunders on their part  are
no fault of mine. This county has been decidedly Republican, in  a
so-called "blue" state! I've never understood NJ politics and  Asbury
Park's is no different. Can anyone on this board cite any votes  that
the council made that are contrary to the will of the residents,  here?

I'll put my own spin on your points above.
Can anyone on this board cite what aggressive actions, not tokens,  Kean or 
Palaia have taken to benefit Asbury Park?  

Analyses of the four Ballot Questions here, with reasons to vote yes and  
reason to vote no, at least until I get to the polls, are better than sliced  
semolina bread for me.
_Click here: News from The League of  Women Voters of New Jersey_ 

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