In a message dated 11/26/2007 4:23:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

This  is an uncalled for comment---Mario you met me once and believe me I 
have the  same enthusiasm, energy and commitment for academics in our schools 
there  is for athletics in town.
These  children can not play football if their grades are not up to par-  So  
bring it down a notch.  This is no time for  negativity.

Please re-read my post.  
There was no negativity regarding athletics.  
Just a wish that the positives  (enthusiasm, energy, and commitment)  could 
be duplicated for academic achievement: honors courses, advanced  placement, 
discipline, homework.  Watch the students coming from and going  to school; 
count how many are carrying books.
I know full well the benefits of a well-rounded education.  If you  share 
that vision, great.  I was referring to the district as a whole,  including 
parents and voters.


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