Prepared by Global Insight for The United States Conference of Mayors  
November 26, 2007
_Global  Insight // Highlight_ 
Using Global Insight's proprietary databases and extensive housing analyses,  
the report for the U.S. Conference of Mayors, "The Mortgage Crisis: Economic 
and  Fiscal Implications for Metro Areas," examines the effects of the housing 
 recession and mortgage crisis on the economic growth prospects for 361 of 
the  nation's metropolitan areas. Weak residential investment, lower spending 
and  income in the construction industries, as well as curtailed consumer 
spending  resulting from decreased home equity will have "multiplier effects" 
on the 
 nation's economy. Other report findings include:  
    *   The foreclosure crisis alone will reduce home values by an additional 
$519  billion in 2008, bringing the total forecast of lost equity for the 
nation's  homeowners to
$1.2 trillion. 

    *   In 2008, the economy will grow at a rate of 1.9%, a full percentage 
point  lower than would have been the case without the mortgage crisis. 

    *   Foreclosures will increase by at least 1.4 million in 2008; these 
homes  represent a market value of $316 billion. 

    *   In 10 states, representing a cross section of the United States, the  
aggregate loss in tax revenue will equal $6.6 billion. 

    *   Home price declines across the United States will average 7% in 2008, 
 ranging as high as 16% in California. 

    *   Consumer spending will slip to 2.0% growth, well below a 3.1% gain in 

    *   Housing starts will continue to decline until the second quarter of 
2008,  when the annual rate of housing starts will be less than 1 million. 

    *   Sales of existing homes also will continue to fall, by another 10% in 
Full Study:
_The  Mortgage Crisis: Economic and Fiscal Implications for Metro  Areas_ 
Maybe they're just Safire's "nattering nabobs of negativism." 
Maybe not. 

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