Very reassuring words to me as a resident.  If I were a local  politician, I 
would welcome such collaboration and reasonable words, even if we  didn't 
agree on everything.
In a message dated 12/4/2007 2:44:27 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Seriously, I am being completely consistent. I speak the truth  -
always, then and now. What did I say about Terry that was not true?  I
asked him to follow through on the Library Square lights and he did.  I
alays liked him. He has a great personality.

And Bruno. Well, I  even liked him even when we were butting heads.

I take nothing back of  what I have said in the past, except in some
instances where it got  personal and I think I even took it back back then.

I never tried to  uncover malfeasance that was not there. I never
suggested anyone did  anything untoward. I gave everyone the benefit of
the doubt. I called it  like I saw it. When I did it was not I that
started the hostilities. Even  you and I kissed and made up.

I guess the only ones I have not made up  with are Big John, Larry and
Aaron. I never said anything that wasn't true  about any of them,
although I think Big John is okay. Larry and Aaron still  suck in my book.

Bruno was kind enough to update me on the game because  I contacted him
when there was a discussion about having a parade for APHS  and Pee Wee
footbal teams. I knew he would be interested and he is the  parade
meister. I gave a large donation to help in the Pee Wee trip and  made
Chetrit an even larger one. Bruno did the right thing.

I have  not gone over to the dark side. Only kidding, I am not
suggesting they are  the dark side.

But unlike a lot of people in this town, I will not be a  prisoner of
the past, and that has nothing to do with preservation which I  am for.

My assessment of how this redevelopment was handled by both  Partners
and the City has not changed. Nor do take back what I think is a  fact,
that the June WRP that was disavowed was the plan and that C-8  could
not be rebuilt without amendment. The disavowal of the real plan  and
its aftermath was shameful. I can say that at the same time as  wanting
and supporting the Esperanza.

But, I am in earnest when I  say that we need to move on. Were mistakes
made? Surely. The voters spoke  in the last election. This is the city
government we have and if it helps  matters, I will work with the
goverment I have. 

I will not be  anyone's blind cheerleader. I can disagree with someone
I support and agree  with someone I don't. I will be no one's enemy. I
will give credit where  credit is due.

And like the Ghost of Tom Joad, I will be ready to say  what is wrong
when I see it. While I will not forget the past, I refuse to  be its
prisoner. Life is too short.


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