Media Vote Tuesday. Polarizing Journalists. Racial Politics.

Friday's program repeats tonight at 7 on 13.

Massing of the Media
"So if the F-C-C is here wanting to know if residents are being well
served? The answer is no. If local talent is being covered? The answer
is no. If community issues are being treated sensitively? The answer is
no. If minority groups are getting the coverage and the input they need?
The answer is no, the answer is no. "

"So with all due respect, I ask you, what part of that didn't you

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Ronald Walters
The director of the African American Leadership Center at the University
of Maryland on how race is playing out in the campaign.
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Keith Olbermann answer Questions:

When you a sportscaster you never took sides between the teams on the
field. But a lot of people think you've taken sides now with the
progressive or liberal story. Should journalists take sides when
everybody else is polarized? You don't just give the scores. You have
some strong things to say about politics. You've started a new feature
that goes beyond just skepticism. You're doing it every night.

"How does Mr. Olbermann differentiate his ad hominem attacks from those
we see on the other side?"
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