In a message dated 12/18/2007 9:27:47 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

The  difference is regardless of how many a stations a group has they will 
have to  have to provide local programming as part of their license renewal. 

Local programming as determined by whom?   Independent voices or?   Again 
that's a distraction from what's  going on this week:
For senior Republican senators -- Ted Stevens of  Alaska, Trent Lott of  
Mississippi,  Olympia Snowe of  Maine  and Larry Craig of  Idaho -- have  
21 Democrats is signing a letter to Martin urging a delay in the rule  changes. 
"When you proposed a new rule on the effects of communications towers on  
migratory birds, you allowed for a 90 day comment period. How could you decide  
to allow 90 days for a migratory bird rule and then shortchange the public on  
the media ownership rule?" the senators ask Martin in the letter.
_A Political Fight Brews Over FCC Rule  Changes_ 
Yahoo!  News -  <NOBR>29 minu
The  Bush-Cheney administration wants FCC chair Kevin Martin and  the 
Republican majority on the commission to approve a rewrite of  media-ownership 
that ...
_FCC's Contested Cross-Ownership Plan  Set for Vote_ 
_FCC seen easing media ownership rules  Tuesday_ 
(  <NOBR>R
_FCC's Planned Vote to Ease Media  Ownership Opposed by Senators_ 
_Hollywood  Reporter_ 
  - _Reuters_ 
_<NOBR>all  271 news ar ยป_ 
_Senators Threaten To Nullify FCC  Ownership Vote_ 
Streaming  Magazine, FL -  <NOBR>14 ho
... Trent Lott (R-MS), Daniel Inouye (D-HI), and Ted  Stevens (R-AK) has 
written to FCC Chairman Kevin Martin  to tell him that if the commission goes 
ahead  ...

_FCC's Martin Won't Delay  Vote_ 
Wall Street  Journal -  <NOBR>Dec 1
Mr. Martin, a Republican, also faced criticism from  senators from his own 
party. Earlier in the hearing, Sens. Trent Lott (R.,  Miss.) and Ted Stevens 
(R.,  ...

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