In celebration of even more pet photos being added to the album, I
thought I would post a recent post from a local philosopher - The Gay

On Dogs, Subways and a Philosophical Insight into the Human Condition
-insight-into-the-human-condition/>       19Dec07
Today we heard the unfamiliar whine of a dog on the subway
-past/> . Poor thing! We can imagine no environment more foreign or
artificial to a dog's sensibility than a New York City subway
car, between the plastic orange seating, linoleum floors, steel poles
and preposterous advertisements. (Dr. Zizmor
<> , anyone?) Or — from
a sonic perspective — the brakes, which coming into the station
scream like terradactyls, or the harsh, distorted voice of the conductor
over the speaker, even when it's our favorite one, the guy who each
morning welcomes us aboard the downtown A-train "experience":
none of this is cause for celebration by the poor dog
-and-what-it-tells-us-about-us-foreign-policy/> , who we imagine wishes
for nothing but to escape. Still, we have some reason to be jealous of
this creature, knowing that it will never be possessed by such a longing
– both terrible and beautiful – to invent, compose, envision,
execute, fashion, formulate, improve, design, forge, modernize,
overhaul, reactivate, recondition, reconstitute, refit, refurbish,
rehabilitate, remodel, renew, repair, restore, resurrect, retread,
revamp, revitalize, renovate and — more than anything – to
I would have added - they are simply happy to sniff each others butts.
Ah, the simple joys.

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