No, it was Condi Rice and she loses every day she's in Washington.

On Dec 27, 2007, at 8:13 PM, justifiedright wrote:

Or was that Bob Kerrey? He lost in 92, didn't he?

--- In, "justifiedright"
> The Cole bombing happened during the Clinton Adminsitration.
> No wonder Kerry lost the election.
> --- In, Jersey Shore John
> <jerseyshorejohn@> wrote:
> >
> > Can't believe I have to remind you...
> >
> > "KERREY: It worries me. And I wanted to make that declaration.
> You
> > needn't comment on it, but as I said, I'm not going to have an
> > opportunity to talk to you this closely.
> > And I wanted to tell you that I think the military operations
> > dangerously off track. And it's largely a U.S. Army -- 125,000
> of
> > 145,000 -- largely a Christian army in a Muslim nation. So I
> > that on board for what it's worth.
> >
> > Let me ask you, first of all, a question that's been a concern
> me
> > from the first day I came on the commission, and that is the
> > relationship of our executive director to you.
> >
> > Let me just ask you directly, and you can just give me -- keep
> > relatively short, but I wanted to get it on the record.
> >
> > Since he was an expert on terrorism, did you ask Philip Zelikow
> any
> > questions about terrorism during transition, since he was the
> second
> > person carded in the national security office and had
> considerable
> > expertise?
> >
> > RICE: Philip and I had numerous conversations about the issues
> that
> > we were facing. Philip, as you know, had worked in the campaign
> and
> > helped with the transition plans, so yes.
> >
> > KERREY: Yes, you did talk to him about terrorism?
> >
> > RICE: We talked -- Philip and I over a period of -- you know, we
> had
> > worked closely together as academics...
> >
> > KERREY: During the transition, did you instruct him to do
> on
> > terrorism?
> >
> > RICE: Oh, to do anything on terrorism?
> >
> > KERREY: Yes.
> >
> > RICE: To help us think about the structure of the terrorism --
> Dick
> > Clarke's operations, yes.
> >
> > KERREY: You've used the phrase a number of times, and I'm hoping
> with
> > my question to disabuse you of using it in the future.
> >
> > You said the president was tired of swatting flies.
> >
> > KERREY: Can you tell me one example where the president swatted
> fly
> > when it came to al Qaeda prior to 9/11?
> >
> > RICE: I think what the president was speaking to was...
> >
> > KERREY: No, no. What fly had he swatted?
> >
> > RICE: Well, the disruptions abroad was what he was really
> on...
> >
> > KERREY: No, no...
> >
> > RICE: ... when the CIA would go after Abu Zubaydah...
> >
> > KERREY: He hadn't swatted...
> >
> > RICE: ... or go after this guy...
> >
> > KERREY: Dr. Rice, we didn't...
> >
> > RICE: That was what was meant.
> >
> > KERREY: We only swatted a fly once on the 20th of August 1998.
> > didn't swat any flies afterwards. How the hell could he be tired?
> >
> > RICE: We swatted at -- I think he felt that what the agency was
> doing
> > was going after individual terrorists here and there, and that's
> what
> > he meant by swatting flies. It was simply a figure of speech.
> >
> > KERREY: Well, I think it's an unfortunate figure of speech
> I
> > think, especially after the attack on the Cole on the 12th of
> > October, 2000, it would not have been swatting a fly. It would
> not
> > have been -- we did not need to wait to get a strategic plan.
> >
> > Dick Clarke had in his memo on the 20th of January overt
> > operations. He turned that memo around in 24 hours, Dr. Clarke.
> There
> > were a lot of plans in place in the Clinton administration --
> > military plans in the Clinton administration.
> >
> > In fact, since we're in the mood to declassify stuff, there was -
> he
> > included in his January 25 memo two appendices -- Appendix A:
> > "Strategy for the elimination of the jihadist threat of al
> Qaeda,"
> > Appendix B: "Political military plan for al Qaeda."
> >
> > So I just -- why didn't we respond to the Cole?
> >
> > RICE: Well, we...
> >
> > KERREY: Why didn't we swat that fly?"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Dec 27, 2007, at 5:42 PM, justifiedright wrote:
> >
> > > Can't believe I have to remind you...
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In, "Sharon" <sharon_b283@>
> > > >
> > > > The threat of "Islamofascists", justifies one race taking
> the
> > > > country of the natives. See Eastern Europeans and Arab Jews,
> > > taking
> > > > over Palestine, renaming the country Israel and demonizing
> > > > Palestinians, as Islamic Fascists! The US, turns its' head
> > > other
> > > > way and allows, the bulldozing of homes, the raping of women
> and
> > > > emasculation of Arab men!
> > > >
> > > > In America, same deal! Europeans occupy and take over a
> country,
> > > > where the natives are herded into reservations. Africans are
> > > brought
> > > > to this country as chattel, bought and sold, like cattle,
> The
> > > > South grows cotton, tobacco and refines sugar, but the
> industrial
> > > east
> > > > builds the ships, sells the insurance to the slave owners,
> insuring
> > > > that "their" property, if lost will be paid in premiums, for
> their
> > > > loss! Wall Street, is as much to blame for perpetuating the
> > > system of
> > > > slavery, as the South. It isn't until 100 years after the
> signing
> > > of
> > > > the Emancipation, that the descendants of said slaves, rise
> and
> > > > begin the biggest movement since the revolution.
> > > >
> > > > Lifelong Democrats, switch to being Republicans and 40 years
> later,
> > > > you have "charter" schools, siphoning off funds, from the so-
> called
> > > > "public" schools and parents are given "vouchers", to have
> their
> > > kids
> > > > attend any school they want, like a "de-facto", back to
> > > segregation,
> > > > "legally"! Whatever any minority group or union
that "bargains
> > > for",
> > > > their members, the government, which is anti-union and
> > > > anti-integration, will find a way to un-do the progress, of
> those
> > > who
> > > > want to live in a United States, where inclusion is
the "norm"!
> > > The
> > > > same Neo-Cons, deride Gays, Trans-Sexuals and Lesbains, from
> having
> > > > inclusion into American Society, as the law-abiding
> they
> > > > are! While many states, have written laws, granting Gays,
> > > > unions, I believe they should be granted the "right to
> and
> > > have
> > > > all the priviledges of married people!
> > > >
> > > > I say that to say this. If you vote Republican, you are
> > > > against your OWN best interest! So keep on voting for them
> see
> > > > what you get! Little boys, who behind closed doors, engage
> the
> > > > SAME pleasures, that they want to DENY YOU! See the
> Congressional
> > > > Pages scandal, the comgressmen, who engage in affairs with
> single
> > > > women in their employ; one wound up dead in Rock Creek Park!
> One
> > > had
> > > > a President impeached! The senator, who solicits sex in
> > > > bathrooms. The lobbyists scandals, that resulted in Tom
> > > > resignation, the Enron debacle, along with outing a known CIA
> > > > operative and on and on! The best hypocrite, I can call to
> mind is
> > > > Newt Gingrich, who was impeaching Clinton, whole having an
> affair
> > > with
> > > > one of his underlings, while his wife was battling cancer!
> > > just
> > > > hate Democrats, with a vengeance! This is the "other" un-
> > > War,
> > > > going on in Washington, now!
> > > >
> > > > Brought to you by fundamentalist christians,
espousing "family
> > > > values", when nothing could be further from the truth!
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In, Jersey Shore John
> > > > <jerseyshorejohn@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > never mind. i found it:
> > > > >
> > > > > "The latest big lie unveiled by Washington's
> > > are the
> > > > > poisonous terms, "Islamo-Fascists" and "Islamic Fascists."
> They
> > > are
> > > > > the new, hot buzzwords among America's far right and
> Christian
> > > > > fundamentalists.
> > > > > President George W. Bush made a point last week of using
> > > > > "Islamofacists" when recently speaking of Hezbullah and
> Hamas –
> > > both,
> > > > > by the way, democratically elected parties. A Canadian
> > > government
> > > > > minister from the Conservative Party compared Lebanon's
> > > Hezbullah to
> > > > > Nazi Germany.
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

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