Election Protection 2008 Poll Monitors Needed 
  The American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey and the League of Women 
Voters of New Jersey Education Fund seek volunteer poll monitors for a 
statewide election protection effort during the February 5 primary election. 
  Volunteer poll monitors will offer votersÂ’ rights information to citizens 
entering polling locations and survey people about their voting experience. 
Monitors will also refer people who had problems voting to a voter protection 
hotline and notify ACLU-NJ staff. When possible, attorneys will be available to 
assist voters and poll monitors who encounter problems at the polls.
  Volunteers must be available for four- to five-hour shifts at polling places 
on February 5, and attend a two-hour training session during the week of 
January 28; afternoon and evening times will be available. Volunteers will have 
to provide their own transportation to/from their assigned polling place and 
have a cell phone on and available during their shift.  Polling places will be 
in Newark , Elizabeth , Hoboken , Hackensack , Trenton , New Brunswick and 
other sites. We will try to accommodate volunteersÂ’ first choice of polling 
  We also need a few trained volunteers to help at the voter protection 
hotlines in Newark and Trenton , answering phones and entering data into the 
election protection database.
   Please contact Anne Barron at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or at 732.545.4908 if you 
are interested in participating in the ACLU-NJ/LWVNJ Voter Protection 
Presidential Primary 2008.

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