In a message dated 1/17/2008 11:30:05 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

"FleurDeLis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One word on  Asburysteve. He is a human rights activist. I see
> nothing wrong with  him, voicing his first Amendment rights, like all
> of you. Are you  afraid of him, or his message? Call him a naysayer,
> if you choose, but  I don't see him, as the demon, you've made him, out
> to be.

He  may be those things, but he is also a wack job, an anti-semite  and

I'm not afraid of him or his message; however, anyone with a genuine social  
conscience these days doesn't need to reinvent the wheel nor resort to  
demagoguery.  Just review Human Rights Activism 101; read Dr. MLK for  
be a uniter, not a divider; recognize that inflammatory rhetoric is  a turn 
off to most people today.
More prosaically:  You can catch more flies with honey than with  vinegar.


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