"Again, it is kiddie pool depth, but it is not for kids or families. 
It is for glamour. Families is not the demographic they are going 
for with this project... Is how I read it...."
       I'd have to agree there.  So far everything talked about, or being built 
for that matter appears to be for adults.  Adults souly.  They seem to be 
sneaking in a few "fun" ideas, like the water park, and maybe a farris wheel.  
Didn't Gary (MM) also speak of returning amusments at one point?  Was that idea 
missed in this past presentation?  I know saw quick renderings of a waterpark, 
but to me it looked more like an oversized beach shower.  It's not bad, but 
again, even the waterpark idea seems to be more for show.  Showing neat 
oversized fixtures with water pouring out, almost like a fountain.  It is a 
fountain!  Although people are welcome to play in it.  Which is good.

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