"Pardon me, but I've gone up that ramp, as a YOUNG woman and it is a
quest! Imagine trying to go up unassisted in a wheelchair; you'd
never make it! Forget a cane, which I'd probably need. I have
climbed a mountain, but I was fit and in good physical shape. My legs
aren't as strong as a 30 somethings, as I'm in my early 60's now. It
isn't ADA accessible. I'd be cussing all the way up! I see you
laughing! :-)"
       Another good point as to why an elevator is most certainly needed... I 
don't understand the point a previous post was trying to make, that an elevator 
would be a waste of money...  The ONLY way up to the second floor is that ramp. 
 There is no other way, aside from an interior staircase?

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