In a message dated 2/4/2008 8:45:40 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

an  overt campaign to cripple the common folk who commute daily on our tax 
dollar  financed toll roads.
32 Billion in Debt?  
"Mr. Corzine has called for raising tolls by 50 percent every four years  
between 2010 and 2022. One mitigating factor for New Jersey residents is that  
about half of the turnpike’s drivers are from out of state. The average drive 
 the turnpike is only two or three exits and far cheaper than the full fare 
[$48  by 2022]. There also may be discounts for low-income drivers and 
commuters who  use the highways frequently."

January 19, 2008,  Editorial  Fixing a Budget at the Toll Booth    from   
_ ( 
As states and cities look to their roadways to generate badly needed money,  
the state of New Jersey is offering an approach worth studying. Gov. Jon 
Corzine  wants to shore up his state’s troubled finances by sharply raising 
If he  gets his way, the cost of driving most of the turnpike could eventually 
rise  from $5.85 to $48, providing money for both debt reduction and public  
transportation. The plan has potential pitfalls, but it may well be the best  
solution to a difficult problem.  
New Jersey is drowning in $32 billion in debt, a legacy in large part of  
previous governors and legislators who approved generous public-employee  
contracts, and other costly programs, without paying for them. The state also  
critically important transportation needs, including widening the  
traffic-clogged New Jersey Turnpike. In a high-tax state like New Jersey, 
coming  up with 
additional revenue is never easy.  
Mr. Corzine has called for raising tolls by 50 percent every four years  
between 2010 and 2022. One mitigating factor for New Jersey residents is  that 
about half of the turnpike’s drivers are from out of state. The average  drive 
the turnpike is only two or three exits and far cheaper than the full  fare. 
There also may be discounts for low-income drivers and commuters who use  the 
highways frequently. Still, it is a whopper of a toll increase.  
New Jersey is hardly the only cash-starved jurisdiction to look on tolls  as 
a possible salvation. Indiana and Chicago have leased some toll roads to  
private companies. Pennsylvania is considering such an arrangement, and  
California is scrambling to find revenue sources to repair its highways and  
Mr. Corzine is avoiding the mistakes of the worst of these  plans.  
Rather than handing the state’s roads to an unaccountable private entity, as  
Indiana did in a hugely controversial 75-year lease, he is proposing to turn 
the  highways over to a highly regulated public corporation. It would sell $38 
 billion in bonds, which would be paid off by toll revenue. Almost half the 
money  would pay down the state’s debt. The rest would go to transportation,  
including a large chunk for mass transit. 
Mr. Corzine says the legislation, which has yet to be unveiled, would  
prohibit governors from meddling in operations or reducing the toll increases.  
These are necessary safeguards. The proposal also calls for a public oversight  
board — to be appointed by the governor, with input from the State  
The Legislature, controlled by Mr. Corzine’s fellow Democrats, will have to  
sign off. Legislators need to make sure that there are sufficient guarantees  
that the public corporation will work in the public interest. They should also 
 work with Mr. Corzine on the other part of his proposal: putting in place  
measures to end the irresponsible spending that produced this financial mess.  
The toll increases will hit many residents of New Jersey hard. But if the  
details of the plan come out right, including the protections for those least  
able to pay, they will be worth the pain, and New Jersey’s remedy could become 
a  standard for other fiscally troubled states.  
Only alternative I saw from readers was a hike in gas taxes.   
_ (  

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