In a message dated 2/13/2008 10:03:35 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

predictions coming from all over the world are saying that places like  NYC 
and the Jersey 
shore are likely to experience flooding like never  before. I hope this isn't 
the case...but 
what if it is? 
I never took the flood threat to Asbury Park too seriously until  recently.  
Friends living near Monmouth U. had their homeowner's  insurance canceled 
because, they said, of a new restriction excluding homes  near the ocean.
Then, because I was so pleased with the way Allstate handled my auto claim,  
I told my agent I wanted to switch my home insurance to them.  She said she  
couldn't issue a policy and that I was lucky that my current policy was not  
canceled because insurance companies, since Katrina, won't insure homes closer  
than two miles to the coast.
Not sure now if all companies will follow suit or if  some are willing to 
"grandfather."  Also not sure if insurance  companies are just looking for an 
excuse to cancel some policies, or if they  have some reliable probability 
studies about coastal living.
Maybe Thoreau's observation is on the mark: "Men say that a stitch in time  
saves nine, and so they take a thousand stitches today to save nine  tomorrow." 
    _ (   

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