"I am arriving very early on the 3rd.  What tools shall I bring?  

Hammer, Sawzall, drill, prybar, duct tape (egads)?  I am being silly 

and am sure that I I will like what I see, but I am willing to help 

make the deadline at the same time!"

     So far I like all the boardwalk pavilions.  I like the modern design.  
Good job in my opinion!  Once the real railings are in place, they will look 
even better.  The make shit wood railings are throwing off the whole design.  
But, giving it some time is what is needed.  I'm kind of surprised that MM 
didn't have the railings planned out though.  Wouldn't you assume they would 
have had them ordered weeks ago?  So they'd be here when they are needed?! :-(


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