"OK, I should bring my welder, some steel and a pooper scooper for the 

make shit railings :-) (I know what you meant.)  

MM may have tried their best to get those railings, special orders 

can get delayed (I am waiting four months now on a storm door with a 

manufacturer installed pet door and this is not a historic house!)"

     Good point, It does take a while to special order things.  The only reason 
I hope is true, is that something got delayed.  Otherwise, bad timing on MM's 
     Since were on the topic of railings... I hope they replace/restore all the 
railings around the CH.  The ones facing west are pretty beat.  Temp ones that 
have lasted decades it seems.  It seems like they most likely will be replaced, 
since their doing the railings for the steps.  We will see...


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