You make some good points about the 5th AVE pavilion and it probably 

did seem a little crazy in 1961 (although the Rufus Nims roof design 

and orange and white color scheme had become ubiquitous across 

America by then), but it managed to grow on visitors and become an 

indelible part of the boardwalk experience. This probably says more 

about the vision of John Fridy than anything else. "

     BTW, sorry for any typos in my last post, it was rushed.  Thanks.  i liked 
the old 5th ave pavilion the way it was, but I also like the new design.  But, 
also keep in mind the building is NOT done.  Even when it is done, it's still 
not!  The 2nd story is not being worked on for some time.  I remember at a city 
meeting, MM even said when the 2nd story is worked on in the future, small 
elements of what has already been done may be modified to attach into whatever 
new stuff is created up top.
     It's fine if you don't like the style of the building, but trying to pass 
it of as a mismatched building next to CH is insane.  The present of past 5th 
ave pavilion never matched.  It just felt right because everyone knew it.  It 
grew on you one might say.  And i'm sure it took time for it to grow all those 
years ago.
     On a different topic all together, the inside arcade at CH is really 
shaping up.  It's too bad we can't have those kinds of crowds on the 
boardwalk!!!  I don't know if we will ever see that......  Unless more sociable 
places open on the boardwalk.  People will only walk back and forth on the 
boardwalk so many times...  The more there is to do, the more they will wonder 


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