"that scaffolding had been on the northeast corner of the paramount 

theatre for months now... does anyone know if theyre still working on 

the building?

also im not sure about other people's opinions of this, but im not a 

huge fan of the stage thats currently set up on the beach in front of 

convention hall nor the lighting theyve attached to the building. the 

arthur pryor bandshell could be accomplishing the purpose of that stage."

     They probably stopped work in order to take care of other projects that 
were already due to be done...  I'm sure they will go back to it soon.  The CH 
wasn't worded to be done this summer anyway, was it?  
     It would be cool to have the bandshell open, but I don't know if that was 
really planned to happen this summer again, was it?  I remember MM had said the 
2nd story would be worked on sometime in the future?  And that the ground floor 
was their main issue right now?  Pretty sure that's what I remeber, maybe 
someone else can give better information.
    The lights on CH?  Do you mean the spot lights that light up each brick 
post on the balcony?  I like those lights, but wish they would have done a 
better job with it.  I like the stage, it was cool the night of the fireworks.  
The blue lights near the entrance to the Beach Bar are also neat.  


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