Since we're on the topic of bathrooms and what not.  Doesn't the boardwalk 
now have one planned at the 2nd ave beach club complex?  I thought towards the 
end of the meetings, MM decides to go with the idea on having a public bathroom 
     One at the beach club, one in the future casino.  One now open on the 
southern end of CH.  That's three?  One at the south end of the boardwalk, one 
in the middle kind of at 2nd?  And one north at CH?  I guess the one at the 
beach club really isn't in the middle though...
     You're talking about real locker rooms and changing rooms?  Aside from 
bathrooms?  I don't see that happening any time soon to be honest.  Even towns 
like belmar with have a big summer attraction don't have them!  Yet everything 
is fine there.


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