--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "dapawprint" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have uploaded them to Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dapaw

Great pics and it's nice to see the beach so crowded. I'm curious how
folks feel about that big blue screen that, according to your caption,
was put up so people who didn't pay to get into the party couldn't see.
Did it cover just the area of the dance party? Or was it up all the way
between CH and the Casino? Or even halfway? I guess if it was just
cordoning off a few dozen feet that's okay, but it wouldn't send the
best message if they start limiting the view of the Atlantic to the
privileged few. But again, the crowds were good.

Are those wood boards on top of the oceanside wall of the First Avenue
Pavilion going to become anything? I hope they're not sticking a
permanent bus shelter type overhang there. Retractable awnings would be
better. Corazza needs a more lively color too. Maybe aquamarine for the
Blue Bishops?

It's cool to see the pride flags on the boardwalk. Does MM plan to put
other flags up throughout the season? Like these state and American
flags <http://www.asburyboardwalk.com/cards/asburyparkmarine.jpg>  the
city used to fly there? Or maybe flags of different nations during the
Olympics? Might be nice.

Re: The shipping containers. I love a good Cuban sandwich (Zafra in
Hoboken...mmmmm). But all the fake palm trees and colorful umbrellas in
the world won't make these things look any less temporary and, thus,
schlocky. There's been talk of reviving the Circuit. Wouldn't putting
some of these businesses on Kingsley go a long way toward that end? They
tore down the Flamingo anyway. They have the space. And what's going on
with that blue shack behind the Pony that's been falling in on itself
for 30 years? These businesses could occupy those spaces, you get the
ratables plus foot traffic a block back, and you wouldn't lose the
sightlines or airflow from the boardwalk.

But so as not to end on a downer, the Beach Bar looks very nice and it's
heartening to see so many people and so many businesses in the CH
arcade. Reminds me of the old classic car and boat shows there.
(hopefully they'll bring those back. Along with the organ concerts
<http://www.ogcma.org/pages/organrecitals> !  [;)] ) And that sandcastle
workshop was a great idea. Anybody go to that? Any pics of the results?
Good to see the volleyball nets up too. With Belmar seemingly intent on
alienating its traditional revenue base
> , maybe the AP Chamber of Commerce could start writing some friendly
letters to the AVP <http://web.avp.com/events/index.jsp?eventId=1027> .
Just a thought.

Finally, you better be careful. With all the folks clamoring to see "the
guy with the duck", D-For could become the new Tillie! ;)

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