In a message dated 8/15/2008 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: On Thursday
evening, I was on a bike ride heading south, and I heard organ music in
the distance coming from The Great Auditorium in Ocean Grove. It was one
of a series of free concerts there, with a notable guest organist.
Several hundred people were in attendence. Very cool. I sat there in awe
of the sound and technique required to master such a daunting
instrument. Pipe organs continue to have fans around the world, and many
of them travel great distances to experience what I did, for free, 5 min
away from where I live.  What Jack heard:    Excerpts  from "Organ's
Centennial Gig Finds It in Fine Voice," 8/24/2008, <>  :   The Great
Auditorium organ, among the largest in the world, is at once both
massive and fragile....Its sound is as distinctive a part of a New
Jersey summer as the horn-driven rock 'n' roll that once
flourished just across the Wesley Lake footbridge in Asbury Park, Ocean
Grove's worldlier neighbor....   The doors had been slid open to let
in the sea breeze, and the music rolled out into the twilight. The sun
was setting behind the auditorium, a natural spotlight hitting the
stage, focused not on any of the musicians, but instead on the tall
golden pipes of the organ. The light climbed as the music ebbed and
flowed, until it finally ascended out of sight, and the windows filled
with darkness, and the organ played on. from  Organ's Centennial Gig
Finds It in Fine Voice -

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