While I understand your concerns, I do not think calling someone lazy due to 
their unwilling to vote for Obama is fair.  Stating that one is a shallow 
thinker or saying if you vote for this party then you are not a citizen again 
is unfair.  Sometimes a person is more comfortable with the same rather than 
the unknown.  While I do not know if McCain would be exactly the same, there 
are several things that make me a bit uneasy about Obama.  He has friends on 
the extreme left, he has said that Iran is a small country and we don’t need to 
worry about them, and his plans to cut the military funds at this time all 
makes me uneasy.  I have not made my final pick yet because there is so much 
more that we need to learn.  While Obama says he will cut taxes and increase 
healthcare, I need to know how this will be paid for.  This should all be 
addressed in the debates and after I will make an informed decision.  You 
mentioned how FOX ran commercials during
 the Gore address.  I noticed that too and flipped to CNN but it was the same 
speech everyone else was giving.  I did not find that unbalanced since Gore is 
not running for office and as far as we know has not been named to join the 
administration.  When Obama made his first trip to Iraq a few months ago, all 3 
major networks traveled with him as if he was already in office.  I found this 
unfair since McCain has gone there several times and these trips were not 
escorted by the top anchors on the major networks or even reported.  
 I will tell you that I voted for change when we got a new majority congress 
and I have been completely unhappy.  Pelosi made so many promises about what 
will be done in the first 100 days and I have yet to see some action.   I felt 
the need to respond to your post since you asked, but I think we would be 
better off keeping this message board focused on Asbury Park.  

----- Original Message ----
From: Jack Pitzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 2:33:17 AM
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Obama Party in AP....

Great. I hope you are proud of your post. I'm confident that you will vote on 
the party line 
instead of the thinking one. Votes like yours will keep this country continuing 
to go 
downhill. This just shows that you are lazy in your support of America, and you 
want to 
continue along the path that GW and company blazed for the past 8 years. Good 
for you.
You appear to be one of those shallow thinkers that are helping to run our 
nation into the 
ground. That's something for you NOT to be proud of. But, it's more important 
for you to 
be a republican then be a citizen of a county. Lame, in my opinion.
By the way, the network that you've defended in the past, Fox news, spent the 
entire time 
that Al Gore was giving a speech on commercials. Explain how that is fair and 
No other candidate has the balls to say "This isn't about me, it's about you"
Obviously in your world you can't see that.
Obama 08.

-- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, Mike Hemeon <tvnetdude2000@ ...> wrote:
> You are kidding right? Obama didn't pick Hillary and now he will hav to pay. 
> I was 
surprised to hear Hillary's back handed endorsement for the new Republican 
chickie. She 
has the same credentials and experience Obama has and that is NONE! Biden is 
almost as 
old as McCain the race get any better than this. 
> Whatever the Dems do to that is negative it will piss off more women and lose 
> votes. 
Let's raise taxes during a recession. Free government cheese for everyone! I 
know Putin is 
looking forward to having Obama in the White House. 
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Jersey Shore John <jerseyshorejohn@ ...>
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com
> Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2008 1:39:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Obama Party in AP....
> Please don't look for even a minimum of rational thought from The Rabid 
> Right. Every 
one of their time-honored shibboleths have failed. Trickle down? Failed. Tax 
cuts energize 
the economy? Huge failure. The government serves no purpose and must be 
"drowned in a 
bathtub"? Katrina, anyone? Their ship is sinking fast, and they're only going 
to get more 
and more desperate. Get ready.
> On Aug 30, 2008, at 12:45 PM, lightgrw wrote:
> I love how the left is portrayed as having no original thoughts yet I 
> would imagine the vast majority of writers to lean towards the left.
> The left is portrayed as having no sense of humor yet the majority of 
> comedians lean towards the left.
> The left is portrayed as the intellectual elite yet derided as having no 
> ideas.
> How can these things all be true when they cancel each other out?
> justifiedright wrote:
> >
> > --- In AsburyPark@ yahoogro ups.com 
> > <mailto:AsburyPark% 40yahoogroups. com>, Jersey Shore John
> > <jerseyshorejohn@ ...> wrote:
> >
> > >Oh, that's right! Just a taste of the
> > > ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome)
> >
> > Proving once again the left has no original thought.
> >
> > 



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