On Aug 31, 2008, at 10:53 AM, Jennifer wrote:

--- In, Mike Hemeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> "You are kidding right? Obama didn't pick Hillary and now he will
hav to pay"

Puhlease don't assume that anyone with a double X chromosone pattern
will lure Hillary supporters to the other side. Gender politics
aside, Hillary's platform was radically different from Sarah
Palin's. It was much more like some guy named Obama's. As a woman,
I'm insulted. As a voter, I'm tired of the prejudice. I wouldn't
vote for a candidate just for their gender or race anymore than I
would NOT vote for a candidate for their gender or race. Let's vote
with our heads for a change.

A friend tells me that the problems of this country are always rooted
greed and racism. I think he has a point, but then isn't greed the
mother of racism. Vote for the platform not the packaging.

Happy Labor Day,

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