>Geologist apologises, but warning stands


>a PhD in astro-geo physics,


Fools all!!


Geologist apologises, but warning stands

 GUWAHATI, Sept 8 - A Chennai-based geologist, whose "prediction" 
that an earthquake will hit Asom this morning triggered panic here, 
apologised to the people of the State but said the warning still 
stands for next three days, reports PTI. On being contacted by PTI in 
Chennai, N Venkatanathan, a PhD in astro-geo physics, expressed 
regret for the inconvenience caused, but added "I still hold my 
prediction till September 11".

"My warning still stands for the next three days with the probability 
of occurance 65 per cent. It may take two to three days for the quake 
to be triggered," the scientist said.

"As soon as my prediction was made public, I immediately sent e-mails 
to the Assam Disaster Management Cell yesterday repeating that my 
prediction is not a public or official warning. No need for panic or 
evacuation of people," he said.

On being told that the people here were upset with him for disrupting 
their normal life with his prediction of the quake at 8.21 am today, 
he said, "there is a possiblity of scientific error and people cannot 
squarely blame me. But all I can do is apologise to the people of 
Asom for the inconvenience caused to them."

"My prediction was not for the public but only for the scientific 
community and some known press people. But some greedy person leaked 
it to the press," he said.

Following media reports about the impending quake, Asom government 
had yesterday issued a general alert after an emergency meeting under 
the chairmanship of Chief Secretary S Kabilan, instructing the 
hospitals, health centres, medical colleges, nurses and doctors to 
remain in a state of preparedness to meet any eventuality.

Though the government had stressed that there was no need to panic 
"as such predictions were not based on scientific reason", the 
meeting had issued a "general alert" to the army, police and security 
forces to be prepared.

The government also opened a 24-hour control room and the district 
administration of Dibrugarh, where the epicentre of the quake was 
expected, was put on alert to adopt all precautionary means.

Though the government did not declare closure of the schools but only 
asked them to adopt all precautions, children kept away from most 
schools and many private institutions remained closed.

The earthquake prediction caused so much terror among the people that 
they had emergency survival kits prepared, and remained indoors since 
last evening.

People spent a sleepless night together with their near and dear ones 
and those who slept awoke early.

Those residing in highrise buildings were a particularly worried lot 
assembling at the ground floor before 8.21 am.

Asked how he had arrived at his quake conclusion, Venkatanathan said, 
"to know the location and time of earthquakes the direction of the 
forces and when the earthquake triggering planets cross the earth in 
an eliptical path have to be calculated".

Asserting there was "no failure" in his methodology, he said, "I have 
analysed 4000 earthquakes all over the world during the last 200 
years. Only study of the movements in the earth is not enough. Other 
planets' forces also have to calculated".

Earthquakes were not caused whenever the planets were in a straight 
line but were caused if electromagnetic forces were induced, the 
geologist said.

"The Sun, Mercury and Earth would be in a straight line today and the 
electro-magnetic forces caused by the to and fro motion of the 
planets which are moving in an elliptical path could trigger the 
quake," Venkatanathan, a member of the Britain-based International 
Society for Earthquake Predictions, said.

Asked what would be his credibility if his prediction for Asom failed 
in the next three days, he said, "In any scientific prediction there 
is error limit."

Denying the popular notion that quakes could not be predicted, he 
claimed it was possible if astro-physics was combined with geology.

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