Event canceled due to the likelihood of
inclement weather.
Definition: though some might like this definition of Yogi --from ISKCON's book : quoting Krishna from Bhagwad Geeta:
"There are some yogis who perform yoga for profit (my note: read Bikram's Yoga patents) but that is not real yoga. Everything must be engaged in the service of the Lord. .......For those who are taking the first step up the staircase of the yoga system there is work. One should not think that simply because he (my note: or she) is beginning yoga s/he should stop working. In Bhagwad-gita Krishna asks Arjuna to become a yogi, but he never tells him to stop fighting. Quite the contrary. Ofcourse, one may ask how a person may be a yogi and at the same time a warrior. Our conception of Yoga practice is that of sitting vey straight, with legs crossed and eyes half closed, staring at the tip of our nose and concentrating in this way in a lonely place. ...
one can remain a fighting man and at the same time be the highest yogi, the highest sanyasi. How is that possible? In Krsna (my note: or God) consciosuness . One simply has to fight for Krsna, work for Krsna (my note: or God) , eat for Krsna, sleep for Krsna and dedicate all activities to Krsna. In this way one becomes the highet yogi (my note: Karma yogi --yogi thru work) and the highest Sanyasi. "
(The perfection of Yoga -pg 8, from lectures of Prabhupad , ISKCON publication)
"Although Krsna saw that Arjuna was rejecting the meditational system , He proclaimed Arjuna to be the highest yogi because "You are always thinkig of me." Thinking of Krisna (my ote: or God) is the essence of all yoga systems--of the hatha (my note : the physical exercise route so popular inthe rich world -to get thin and slim) , karma (work), jnana (knowledge/gnosis) bhakti (love) or any other system of yoga (ibid, pg8,9)
So practicing yoga at home and work and all places in between is fine!!!
Any comments?

umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

more detail of Yoga in the open etc in National Mall opposite White House (though seems likely to rain so only die-hards will remain).

Office of Public Affairs and Marketing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 19:28:28 -0400 (EDT)
From: Office of Public Affairs and Marketing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Freer Centennial Special Event:"From Sunrise to Moonrise"