Having Enough Engineers
The demand for setting up Asom’s fourth engineering college at Dhemaji has led 
to a closer look at the disparities in development that are apparent even in 
the matter of facilities for engineering or medical education. The need for 
more qualified doctors became so obvious that even a reluctant State government 
felt obliged to sanction the setting up of three more medical colleges. 
However, the State government felt no such compulsion to set up more 
engineering colleges despite the fact that when the population growth calls for 
more doctors, that society must also have a need of more engineers. But look at 
the scenario of engineering education in the State. There are just three 
engineering colleges in the State that can cater to 750 students. By contrast, 
West Bengal with 54 engineering colleges can cater to the needs of 15,477 
students, Tamil Nadu has 254 engineering colleges (the highest number in the 
country) catering to 80,417 students, Andhra Pradesh 236 colleges with
 82,970 students, Maharashtra 155 colleges with 48,250 students and Karnataka 
118 colleges with 46,375 students. Why has our government done nothing at all 
about increasing the number of engineers in the State? Is it because our 
engineers have turned out to be mere technical clerks in most cases? Is it 
because we have failed to create the adequate number of industries capable of 
absorbing even all the engineers who graduate from our three engineering 
colleges? This must be a major consideration, since our leaders know that their 
own level of dynamism and enterprise has not been adequate to attract 
industries to the State. However, the fact that our engineers have failed to be 
self-sufficient to tackle all engineering tasks must be the strongest argument 
against having more engineering colleges. Why produce more of the same variety 
if they cannot deliver the goods? 

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