--- On Sun, 9/26/10, Chan Mahanta <cmaha...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sep 26, 2010, at 9:43 PM, Dilip Deka wrote:

> I see two scenarios coming out of the CWG fiasco.
> 1. India pulls it off at the last minute. CWG goes on and has a happy ending 
> despite some minor mishaps. India claims a big success and brags about it, 
> "See, 
> we told you. It could be done. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE INDIA".

**** First off: Define success. What will constitute a success, let alone a BIG 
^^^^ India is the host and they invited their friends from the CW to come and 
play. India also said we'll provide food and accommodation just like you do 
when we visit your home. So success of the party is measured in terms of how 
satisfied the guests are.If the guests rave about it, it is a success. If India 
can make it happen with a modest amount of money, it is a bigger success.

> 2. The CWG is a flop with major disasters and it starts major reform in India 
> in 
> terms of corruption. This happens because the middle class Indians get 
> insulted 
> and upset. It always takes a big event to make big changes.

**** Similarly, WHAT would determine if it was a flop?

^^^^ It's a flop if the guests return home unhappy. In the analogy of a party 
if that happens even after spending a huge sum of money, it is a bigger flop.

Only then one can delve into your question. Speaking of which, why do you 
assume that 
in case of a FLOP, Indians would consider it an insult and demand reforms to 
eradicate corruption.
Is it CORRUPTION that is at the root of a possible flop? Why could it not be 
corrupt yet successful? 

^^^^ Yes it can be corrupt yet successful. However in this case corruption led 
to incompetent contractors and delays in construction resulting in the 
possibilty of a flop.Next few weeks will tell.

I see a problem with the assumption that corruption is the cause for a possible 
flop. Does
competence not have a place in the equation? Nobody has accused China of being 
free of corruption, but they proved how COMPETENT they are.  In other words 
competence and corruption are NOT mutually exclusive. Few would complain IF 
competence could be demonstrated, would they?

^^^^ See response above. If competence was demonstrated despite corruption, 
only a few would have been mad. Now everyone is mad.Let's wait and see how the 
corrupt organizers (mind you some brits may be involved too) pull it off. I was 
just speculating ahead of time. What's your speculation?

> What do you see? Alternate scenarios?
> Dilip Deka
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