for a country like India where majority of population is  young, we cannot 
leave  sports away from nation building . 
I agree there is corruption , poor planning and execution for these games but 
we have to also keep in mind India has never hosted a world class event . Asian 
games was held during an era which is completely different then present day 
India. We need to learn from this experience and aim even higer ---- Absolutely 
why not OLYMPICS now .....
Commonwealth Games 2010 is expected to result in an overall economic impact of 
USD 4,940 million on India's GDP during a period of four years ending 2012 and 
create an employment opportunity close to 24.7 lakh. 

> Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 16:34:24 +0530
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Assam] India should have stopped participating in CWG
> CWG is a huge success! India should bid for 2020 Olympics.
> We need to change some old hogs, thats all.
> I don't agree with Mr AC. He should first stop looting the unsuspecting
> kids.
> -mkd
> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 4:18 PM, Nava Thakuria <>wrote:
> >
> > India should have stopped participating in CWG
> >
> > Arindam Chaudhuri, Editor-in-chief, The Sunday Indian
> >
> > I really had decided to not write about the Commonwealth Games at all – the
> > reason is clear in the heading and I will elaborate soon enough! However,
> > receiving too many mails and requests asking me write on the games, finally
> > made
> > me change my mind! But I do not plan to write about all the corruption
> > related
> > allegations, as too much has been said by senior journalists in the most
> > hard
> > hitting manner already. Also, for everything in India, we have a scam. How
> > could
> > one ever expect that the government will plan such a huge project without
> > making
> > money? I will end my reference to the scam by sighting one of the many sms
> > messages on CWG that I received a couple of days back. It stated, “What a
> > lovely
> > anagram (word play)... Unscramble ‘Sir, u made lakhs,’ and you get ‘Suresh
> > Kalmadi’... !!!”
> >
> > Leaving the scam behind on that note, let me tell you why I detest the very
> > idea
> > of the Commonwealth Games. Of course, I agree with Manishankar Iyer
> > wholeheartedly when he says that instead of spending so much money on the
> > games
> > we should have developed sports people in India and made investments to
> > create
> > an environment conducive to world class sports in India. And I swear the
> > money
> > spent would have sufficed to develop world class sports facilities not just
> > throughout India, but the perhaps the whole of the third world! I have too
> > many
> > times referred to the Chinese example of not participating in Olympics (and
> > wasting money) till they became competent enough to play the games so well
> > that
> > they would do justice to the size of their nation. In the history of
> > Olympics,
> > we are the nation with the least amount of medals per capita. But that
> > doesn’t
> > shame our ministers ever or tempt them to do anything – the lure of
> > corruption
> > possibly always does!
> >
> >
> > Going away from Manishanker Iyer’s very strong and correct logic, let me
> > let the
> > common Indian and Delhiite know what CWG is about! Well, Commonwealth Games
> > were
> > not called Commonwealth Games till 1978. The games first started as the
> > British
> > Empire Games in 1930! That’s the origin of the CWG that India is so
> > meaninglessly getting excited about. In 1954, the games started being
> > called the
> > British Empire and Commonwealth Games; and then the British Commonwealth
> > Games
> > in 1970! Why? Well, because it was a sporting activity to celebrate the
> > British
> > empire. And it brought together all the nations that Great Britain ruled,
> > to
> > play and feel like equals for a couple of weeks! It was officially
> > suggested as
> > a means to increase the goodwill and understanding of the British empire...
> > and
> > the first games actually took place in 1911 as the “Festival of the
> > Empire”.
> >
> >
> > The big event before the games is called the Queen’s baton relay and is
> > supposed
> > to be like the Olympic torch relay! Why is it called the Queen’s baton
> > relay?
> > Well, what else do you call the relay around the world to begin the start
> > of a
> > game to celebrate the British empire? The baton carries the message from
> > the
> > head of Commonwealth, Queen Elizabeth II. Till 1994, the relay but
> > obviously
> > went only through England to remind the English about their past colonial
> > powers! Now, of course, it goes through twenty plus countries where
> > celebrities
> > fight with each other to run with the baton to carry the message of the
> > British
> > empire... oops, the Commonwealth of nations! It’s unbelievable but true
> > that
> > only two erstwhile colonies of the British empire – Burma and Aden decided
> > not
> > to become members of the Commonwealth of nations post independence. Rest,
> > all
> > the 54 countries, barring two, are part of the old British empire!
> >
> > One might wonder how did the name change to Commonwealth Games in 1978?
> > Well, by
> > 1978, the world had grown mature enough to be critical of colonialism and
> > apartheid. And with changing times, it was only intelligent to change the
> > name
> > of the games to keep the old colonial games alive. Thus the new name! But
> > it
> > still remains a game of erstwhile colonies! The only two states who were
> > not
> > British colonies, yet who have been granted membership of the Commonwealth
> > of
> > nations (under the new effort to change the colonial flavour of the
> > Commonwealth
> > of nations) are Mozambique – a former Portuguese colony – and Rwanda, a
> > former
> > German colony; and their admission was considered as exceptional. But
> > perhaps
> > the biggest insult of being a member of the Commonwealth of nations is that
> > originally, when the games started, it required acceptance of dominionhood
> > a
> > compulsory requirement; this was later modified in 1949 to dictate that
> > members
> > could only be made on condition that the member countries recognised the
> > British
> > monarch – that is, is the current Queen – as the Head of the Commonwealth!
> > Of
> > course, now there are so called greater values that the Commonwealth stands
> > for,
> > like, you guessed it right, world peace, racial equality, human rights
> > etc!!
> >
> > After reading all this, if you still want to be a part of the celebrations
> > around these slavish games, then please go ahead. In my opinion, we have
> > the
> > United Nations, we have the non aligned nations. We don’t need
> > commonwealth.
> > Forget about celebrating the Commonwealth games; it’s time India considers
> > withdrawing its membership from the slavish Commonwealth of nations itself.
> > It’s
> > a shame that instead of doing that, we are busy celebrating these games
> > which
> > are nothing but a celebration of the British empire – in other words,
> > celebration of racial discrimination, colonialism, imperialism – however
> > much
> > the statutes may have changed in recent times.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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