Here is an example of what I was trying to describe:

         EXTRN IEFBR14

         USING ABLE,R7
         LARL  R15,IEFBR14
         BRC   0,IEFBR14
         LHI   R15,(IEFBR14-ABLE)
         LHI   R15,(SECOND-FIRST)

FIRST    DC    F'1'
SECOND   DC    F'3'

And here are some snippets from the assembly listing:

00000000 C0F0 0000 0000          00000000     22          LARL R15,IEFBR14
00000006 A704 0000               00000000     23          BRC 0,IEFBR14
0000000A 0000 0000               00000000     24          LHI R15,(IEFBR14-ABLE)
** ASMA032E Relocatable value or unresolved symbol found when absolute value 
required -
** ASMA435I Record 24 in RAICER.TEMP.SOURCE(SIMPLE) on volume: DV2D19
0000000E A7F8 0004               00000004     25          LHI R15,(SECOND-FIRST)

00000024 00000000                             30 OFFSET   DC A(IEFBR14-ABLE)
00000028 00000001                             31 FIRST    DC F'1'
0000002C 00000003                             32 SECOND   DC F'3'

                                                Relocation Dictionary
  Pos.Id   Rel.Id   Address  Type  Action
 00000004 00000006 00000002  RI 4     +
 00000004 00000006 00000008  RI 2     +
 00000004 00000004 00000024   A 4     -
 00000004 00000006 00000024   A 4     +

Statements 22 and 23 cause entries to be placed in the Relocation
Dictionary which indicate the Relocation Type is Relative Immediate
and the size (in bytes) of the corresponding item to be adjusted by
the relocation processing is four and two, respectively.

For statement 24, entries in the Relocation Dictionary would be
required in order to compute the Absolute Value of the expression
during relocation processing, much like the RLD entries necessary to
resolve the same expression for statement 30.

And, yes, binder support is required for this, much like the binder
support needed to handle the RLD items for statements 22 and 23.


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