I'm not really sure what the original question was all about:

 On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 9:04 AM, John Walker <jwalker...@yahoo.com> wrote:

 Rexx execs are EASY.  But, Rexx interface, is that something different?

The IBM publication to which Steve Smith was referring is:

   z/OS TSO/E REXX Reference Version 2 Release 1 (SA32-0972-00)

There are other versions of this pub for various versions of z/OS.

You are most likely interested in the information contained in
these chapters:

Chapter 8.  Using REXX in different address spaces
Chapter 12. TSO/E REXX programming services
Chapter 13. TSO/E REXX customizing services
Chapter 14. Language Processor Environments
Chapter 15. Initialization and termination routines

A similar publication exists fo z/VM:

   z/VM REXX/VM Reference Version 6 Release 1 (SC24-6221-00)

In the United States, these publications are available free of charge at:


For other countries, omit the "?CTY=US" at the end of the URL and navigate
through web interface to select the desired country/region/language.


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