Hello Listers,

I'd like to be able to update a common storage area across all CICS and batch 
regions.  I've looked at IARV64 REQUEST=GETCOMMON, but it seems that it 
requires supervisor state and/or key 0-7.  

It seems that something like issuing a STORAGE macro similar to: 

...from an authorized program would allocate the storage needed.   But I don't 
know the rules for accessing it from "user-mode" (unauthorized, key 8) programs 
like a CICS application. 

a) Given the address of the storage obtained like that, can any user-mode 
program read that storage? 
b) Could a user-mode program update that storage? 
c) Should the KEY parameter be specified, and if so, what value should I use.  
Afaik it has to be 0-7 since User-key CSA was outlawed.  
d) Am I correct that there isn't an IRAV64 option that will allow a user-mode 
program to update the storage? 

Thanks for your help!


(Cross-posted to the CICS list.)

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