Here is another table based scheme which combines sign validation,
sign classification (i.e., the sign is negative or positive) and
recognition of the preferred sign values.

         LLC   R14,BYTE                 Fetch the rightmost byte
*                                       of the Zoned Decimal field.
         SRL   R14,4(0)                 Convert the Zone bits
*                                       to a table index.
         LA    R14,ZDSTBL(R14)          * Fetch the corresponding
         ICM   R14,B'0001',0(R14)       * table value.
         JZ    INVALID                  Br if the Zone is not a
*                                       valid Sign value.
         JM    NEGATIVE                 Br if the Zone indicates
*                                       a Negative value.
*  Fall through when the Sign is considered Positive.
         TML   R14,ZDSTPREF             Test for the Preferred
*                                       Sign indicator if so
*                                       desired.
* ... Deal with Positive values ...
         J     FINISH                   All done

         TML   R14,ZDSTPREF             Test for the Preferred
*                                       Sign indicator if so
*                                       desired.
* ... Deal with Negative values ...
         J     FINISH                   All done

* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*  The following table is used to validate the 4-bit Zone field of
*  the rightmost byte of a Zoned Decimal value when interpreting
*  the Zone value as a Sign value.
*  When a table entry is all binary zeros the corresponding Zone
*  value is not a valid Sign value.
*  Preferred Sign values are also indicated.
*  The leftmost bit of a table entry is used to indicate the Sign
*  (Negative or Positive) such that its value (one or zero,
*  respectively) can be used to set a corresponding Condition Code
*  when the entry is fetched using the Insert Characters Under Mask
*  instruction.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------

ZDSTNEG  EQU   X'80'                    When one, the sign is
*                                       regarded as Negative.
*                                       Else, the sign is regarded
*                                       as Positive.
ZDSTPREF EQU   X'40'                    When one, the sign is
*                                       regarded as the Preferred
*                                       sign.
*        EQU   X'20'                    *** Reserved
*        EQU   X'10'                    *** Reserved
*        EQU   X'08'                    *** Reserved
*        EQU   X'04'                    *** Reserved
*        EQU   X'02                     *** Reserved
ZDSTVAL  EQU   X'01'                    When one, the sign is valid.
         DC    0D'0'
ZDSTBL   EQU   *,16
         DC    10AL1(0)                 Zone values of x'0'
*                                       through x'9' are
*                                       invalid.
         DC    AL1(ZDSTVAL)             A: Positive, Valid
         DC    AL1(ZDSTNEG+ZDSTVAL)     B: Negative, Valid
         DC    AL1(ZDSTPREF+ZDSTVAL)    C: Positive, Preferred,
*                                          Valid.
*                                       D: Negative, Preferred,
*                                          Valid.
         DC    AL1(ZDSTVAL)             E: Positive, Valid
         DC    AL1(ZDSTVAL)             F: Positive, Valid

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