Chassignet benjamin wrote:

I don't have a full knowledge about GPL license. So I wonder if it is possible to launch a business in integrated PBX (Hardware+Asterisk+interface) without paying something to Digium for that (except of course G.729 licenses for end-user and ISDN cards in case). Moreover, if I don't need to pay a fee, do I need to notice Digium about this Business?

No, that's cool. Anybody's free to use Asterisk for whatever purposes they require, just as with "moneyware".

Where the GPL comes into play is that you can "open the bonnet" and take it a step further - it won't do what you require? No problem. You can modify it, fix it, extend it.

The only thing is that you can't then close and sell any modifications - you have to make them available to the whole Asterisk community under the GPL. You can sell your services based around Asterisk - implementation, support, consultancy. No problem.

If you want to make a "closed", "moneyware" product around Asterisk, THEN you have to buy a licence from Digium.

Hardware, you have to pay for...

Adrian Chapman
Trivas Ltd
Business on the Move
Mobility - Messaging - Infrastructure - Security - Remote Access
07796 690210 - 01582 626552
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