On Friday 08 April 2005 04:48, Chassignet benjamin wrote:
> Hello,
> I don't have a full knowledge about GPL license. So I wonder if it is
> possible to launch a business in integrated PBX
> (Hardware+Asterisk+interface) without paying something to Digium for that
> (except of course G.729 licenses for end-user and ISDN cards in case).
> Moreover, if I don't need to pay a fee, do I need to notice Digium about
> this Business?

NEVER ask for legal advice on a mailing list. Ask an attorney or maybe a 
manufacturer/developer. You can read about the GPL at:


These are essentially the same. The first is the Free Software Foundation, an 
organization which often defend the GPL, and the second is the home for the 
GPL. It's not very hard to read and understand the license.


Steve Szmidt

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                                Benjamin Franklin
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