You have not thought of ALL of the BAD things that can happen before the dispatcher can ask for your address. You may be choking, on fire, shot in the throat or mouth, mentally incompetent to describe your location, non-English speaking, stupid!, too scared to speak as they will kill you, mustered up your last bit of energy to crawl across the room and dial 911 where you hear as you die!..... "I'm sorry but I am hanging up now"

Afterwards, your next of kin contact the offices of "We Will, and Due
Sue, LLP". They then contact me and take everything I own under the
premise that; I put you in danger, and showed reckless abandon toward
your basic needs or safety. Two years later after my wife and kids leave
me for the lawyer that 'cleaned me out' I will sit under a bridge and
mumble words like, Voip, Asterisk, PSAP, and "all I wanted to do is save
people money"..

Understand NOW!!!!!

But my question is still unanswered: can we send an emergency call to the PSAP's ten-digit number?
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