I believe that was my point.

They are charging more BECAUSE I wanted to set her up with asterisk pbx.  If
they had a cap on the minutes that's something I would consider.  If they
offer unlimited it should not be subject to what device you are using. There
are many ways around that anyways.  It reminds me back in the day when ISPs
tried to charge for ONE COMPUTER only internet access and spazzed out if
they found out you had a router or proxy.  How many ISPs are around now with
that additude?

Anyways I agree they need to make a profit and they can't survive with real
UNLIMITED access... they should have some sort of CAP perhaps - but not
charge me 4 times as much because I had an old pc that I wanted to give my
mom for a voip router.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 5:50 PM
To: 'Commercial and Business-Oriented Asterisk Discussion'
Subject: RE: [Asterisk-biz] Double standards with netfone.ca.

>> I am setting up an asterisk server/router for my mom to get her voiped
>> up. I saw this ad for CAN approx $13 a month for unlimited calling and a
>> DID + 1 month free service at netfone.ca.  That sounded great for her as
>> it works out to be about $10/mo.  During my inquiry they learned that I
>> was going to use an ASTERISK server and said that I'd had to subscribe
>> to a business plan for around $40/mo or buy their Linksys ATA Device.  
>> Really what difference does that make? It sounds more like a scam to
>> force people to buy hardware from them.
>> I guess in the future I should just say I'm using a Grandstream or
>> something.
>> Watch out.
>Stop being silly. 
>People who use asterisk have an ability to do far more traffic *because 
>you can be multiplexing lots of customers' traffic* than just one customer 
>with a phone handset.

Um, and your point is? Their Terms of Service should handle that. If you
sign up for "unlimited" at $13 and then use 10K minutes, they need to figure
that out. Just because you "might" go over the X amount of "unlimited"
minutes is silly. 

Packet8 (I think) had something similar. If you live outside the USA, they
charge you more and put higher limits on. This is because so many people
were calling from outside the USA. While that's fine for them to go and do,
it's solely to keep up this marketing of "unlimited" minutes that aren't. 

So, yes, charging more 'cause you use Asterisk is stupid. They should charge
more for overuse, support, etc. They should not charge based on the
UserAgent. That's like software vendors that charge more cause you are
running a "server" OS. 


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