>> Um, and your point is? Their Terms of Service should handle that. If you
>> sign up for "unlimited" at $13 and then use 10K minutes, they need to
>> figure that out. Just because you "might" go over the X amount of
>> "unlimited" minutes is silly.
>The terms of service *say that*. Got asterisk? No unlimited for you. 
>Broadvoice does that. There are very few companies that *don't* do that - 
>and they are setting themselves up for abuse by dishonest users.

OK, I should say, their ToS should handle that in a better way.

>> So, yes, charging more 'cause you use Asterisk is stupid. They should
>> charge more for overuse, support, etc. They should not charge based on
>> the UserAgent. That's like software vendors that charge more cause you
>> are running a "server" OS.
>But you can't charge for 'overuse' or 'support' when your main business
>model is to provide 'unlimited residential service'. You have two classes 
>of users: ones that fit your business model (grandma with an ATA) and ones 
>that don't (asterisk noob). It is perfectly fine to discriminate against 
>ones that are far more likely to abuse your service.

Welcome to marketing with the two drink minimum? No one is in business
providing unlimited service. They provide what marketing calls unlimited.
They can discriminate by taking their top abusers each month and seeing if
action is needed. If I take an ATA to Guatemala, where the standard telco
rate is $1/min (down to 12cents on certain deals), I'll blow those
"unlimited" (~3000?) minutes away.


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