Listing known fraudsters is not a crime here in Sweden, could host a
database if u guys want...
Could make it accessible as an rdf feed or something so you could hook a
cgi/agi to it...

Worth considering?


On Sun, 2005-06-19 at 00:44 -0700, snacktime wrote:
> On 6/25/05, Switch Tech Staff Account <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > We are dealing with a large fraud at this time. Our approach has been on
> > several fronts. As far as the net is concerned we are going to start listing
> > names,
> > address & phone numbers - even bank accounts as we locate them.
> Not the smartest thing I've seen someone from your company do.  Btw
> posting a bank account number is a federal crime.
> Chris
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