Nice catch Trixter - Netgear proposed this router to me as an Open, SIP based unit. I'll have someone in engineering evaluate it with Asterisk and I'll post a review, I'm sure it'll work just fine. We may have already tested it for interoperability. I know it's unlocked, the bit about Callvantage I should have removed from our product page I often cannibalize product specs from the manufacturers spec sheets.

I have seen the procedure for reflashing the Linksys router to run Asterisk, dunno if you can do it with this unit, if it's possible I'm sure somebody will do it in short order.

Cory Andrews
Senior Partner
454 Sonwil Drive
Buffalo, NY 14225
voice - 716.630.1555 X22
fax - 716.630.1548

trixter wrote:

On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 11:03 +0800, Dinesh Nair wrote:
On 10/13/05 10:40 Cory Andrews said the following:
Netgear WGR826V Wireless 802.11G Router, Dual FXS w/ 4 Ethernet Ports
-Similar to the Linksys WRT54GP2-NA, unlocked unit, but this one has Wireless G
Product Link:
it currently says, "Voice over IP service for Internet telephony (AT&T CallVantage is currently supported)" without mentioning the protocol. can we assume that it has proper SIP built in and does it play well with asterisk ?

I would like to know if this can be reflashed like the wrt54gs to run
linux so you can have asterisk on the box.  The FXS drivers may be a bit
off in the future, but it would be a start :)

Would rather run something I control better than something I dont.


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