[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11/07/2005 08:07:54 AM:

> On Monday 07 November 2005 07:47, Bill Michaelson wrote:
> > This doesn't surprise me - I've suspected that this is the case.  I've
> > also suspected that such attention is obtained at Jeremy's whim.  I
> > would not entrust a critical business function to a person who might
> > have a capricious and mercurial personality.
> That's why you have failover providers for termination, as I (and most sane
> people) do.  As far as origination failover... well that's another matter
> enitrely.  I don't have a good solution for that.

So what do you personally do?  Live with a single VoIP provider?  Use a PSTN provider?

Tim Massey

P.S.:  An Orginiation provider is someone who handles incoming calls from the PSTN and forwards them to you via VoIP?  And a Termination provider is someone who handles outgoing calls from you via VoIP and forwards them to the PSTN?  That seems exactly backwards to me.  If the above is correct, I guess it goes right along with the whole FXS/FXO and DCE/DTE thing...  ;)
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