I like to see some price break levels up front. Start me at 10c a minute as long as I know I what happens as my usage increases.

I would feel the same about anything I buy on a regular basis. If I had a computer store I would want to hook up with vendors who will definitely be giving me the price breaks when I am buying 25 printers at a time.


The recent flamewar has spurred me to put out this RFQ. I would like to know what alternatives exist for customers who are interested in IAX services that are focused on support. It seems every e-mail and every website advertising service leads with price, and service isn't even mentioned. Well, I want it the other way.

So, I'm hoping that I can send out this RFQ and get some options from companies that lead with the quality of their support, as well as a reliable product. Here's my list of priorities. The first two are must-have's, the rest nice-to-haves.

1) The ability to call a telephone number and speak to someone with technical knowledge. It doesn't have to be the first person I speak to. I just want to be able to speak to someone who can get me where I need to be. 8-5 M-F is a requirement, but 24 hours (or at least weekends) would be very nice.

2) A highly reliable network. While I want good service to be available, I'd rather not use it!

3) Some way of being able to monitor the status of technical requests. Something that shows me when work is done, without me having to bug people.

4) Toll-free DID's with the ability to transfer my current numbers.

5) Month-to-month terms

6) No monthly fees:  straight per-minute, preferably with 6/6 billing.

7) Price.

You will notice that price is last. I will pay more for a provider that can provide all of these items than one that does not. Of course, there is a limit on price. But I'd pay a *lot* more than $0.009 a minute for a provider that provides all six items on that list.

I do not think this list is too hard. For example, I get exactly this level of support from one of my ISP's (Speakeasy.net), whether it's with bonded T1's or their least expensive ADSL. I can call and get a person 24x7. I can get technical support 24x7. And I even get calls back. I've experienced it. All I want is a VoIP provider that works the same way. They're more expensive than many providers: While SBC might charge $25 for a low end ADSL connection, Speakeasy might charge $70. Service does come at a price. But worth every single penny.

I would love to hear from actual customers. But please don't say "Provider X's service rocks!" if you've *never* had a major support issue. If you plugged it in and turned it on, I would *expect* it would work. *Anyone* can deliver great customer support when things are working! Tell me about times when you've had problems and how customer support handled it then. Did they answer the phone? Did they call you back? Did they e-mail you back personally within an hour? With a solution? Or a deadline for a soluiton? Did they stick to it? Or didn't they?

Thank you all very much for your response.

Tim Massey


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